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Save the date!
The 110th Annual Convention
Hyatt Regency, Maui, Hawaii
June 1, 2, 3, 2025

Book your room in Maui

Register Online for the Event

WTSA’s 109th Annual Convention

Enchantment Resort, Sedona, Arizona

July 14, 15, 16, 2024

WTSA’s Annual Convention at the Enchantment Resort was filled with education, membership engagement and weather that brought so much excitement that had members running for cover, literally, because there was a monsoon!

From monsoon storms peppered with lighting, elevated fashion style, wildlife and the new “Stop Sign Stretch”, the 109th proved to be a great success.

This year marked the end of Angel Garcia’s term as president and Chris Welch’s beginning. We got to see some members we haven’t seen in a while, and missed those who were not able to attend.

Whether you were playing pickleball, hiking on the serene trail right outside the gate, meditating in the Mii Amo spa, golfing or simply lounging poolside, this year’s convention was enjoyed by all.